Lot Consult

Training on health and safety at work (OHS)


Grounds for conductingOrdinance No. RD-07-2 of 16.12.2009 on the terms and conditions for conducting periodic training and briefing of employees on the rules for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions.
Training is mandatory for:
  • the officials who lead and manage the labor processes – once every two years;
  • officials and specialized services under Article 24 of the Health and Safety at Work Act – annually;
  • the persons designated by the employer to conduct the safety and health at work briefings – annually.

For failure to complete these trainings, the employer bears administrative and criminal liability.



Place and time of the training

Start time: 10:00 am

The trainings will be held online through the ZOOM platform. Participants receive an access link and will be able to participate in the training and ask questions in real time.

Price per participantBGN 125.00 /without VAT/

OS&H Trainings

Lecturer: Dimitrinka Stoyanova, MSc, OSH expert with multi-year experience as Chief Inspector at EA “General Labor Inspectorate”.

Certificates will be issued to participants after completion of the training. The issued certificates are valid at the Labor Inspections, the industry chambers in Bulgaria, as well as for participation in tenders, contests, etc.

The preliminary participation request is mandatory and has to be submitted to e-mail: office@lot-consult.com
+359 2 9172924; mobile +359 885 237773 – Krasimira Vladimirova, Training Coordinator
+359 2 9172918; mobile + 359 885 356779 – Galina Batalova, Marketing Manager
+359 2 9172913; mobile 0884 05 68 84
0700 800 10 – national number at the price of a city call

Payment after registration:
– to the bank account of LOT-CONSULT EOOD – UNICREDIT BULBANK AD, 1000 Sofia, 7 St. Nedelya Sq., BG 24 UNCR 7630 10067 85700, BIC UNCRBGSF

The OSH course can be organized by additional agreement on site, in your enterprise or site at a time convenient for you, with a previously requested minimum group of 7 people.

OBJECTIVE of occupational safety and health training

Training on health and safety at work aims to:

  • Acquiring knowledge about the main legal and by-law requirements, rules and regulations for ensuring health and safety at work;
  • Maintaining the necessary safety knowledge level in accordance with the requirements of the normative acts;
  • Provision of the necessary and sufficient information for the implementation of the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employers, officials and workers, defined by the Health and Safety at Work Act;
  • Creation of an effective organization for compliance with the statutory requirements for safety and health at work.

A specific goal is also to support employers and officials designated to perform the functions of an occupational safety and health authority and/or to conduct occupational safety and health briefings to achieve higher commitment in occupational health and safety at work activities.

Health and safety benefits for the employee being trained

The trainee becomes familiar with the mandatory company documents on safety and health at work, which are subject to inspection by the state control authorities, and acquires practical skills for applying the rules on safety and health at work. Specific rules and requirements for labor safety are discussed for the activities, processes, workplaces, machines and devices, the electrical facilities etc.
During the training, specific instructions are given for good practice and quality implementation of health and safety activities at work in enterprises. Discussions are held and personal consultations are provided.

The main training goal is to meet the needs of the participants and contribute to increasing the professional competence of each trainee.

To occupational medicine trainings

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Information about our trainings can be also found on LOT-CONSULT facebook page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are OSH trainings of the officials mandatory?

Occupational safety and health training is mandatory and is conducted annually for occupational safety and health officials and persons, designated by the employer, to conduct the occupational safety and health briefings. For officials who lead and manage labor processes, the periodicity of the OSH training is once every two years.

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