Lot Consult
Reason for conductingart. 6, para. 1, item 1 of Ordinance No RD-07-2/2009 on the terms and conditions for the conduct of periodic training and instruction of workers on the rules for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions.
The training is designed forThe training is intended for officials who lead and manage labour processes.
Learning objectiveThe purpose of the training is to increase the efficiency and results of human activity and preserve the health of workers by creating an organization of labour activity, in accordance with the characteristics and individual capabilities of workers.
Application of the requirements of Regulation No 7/1999 on the minimum requirements for health and safety working conditions at workplaces and when using work equipment, according to which employers must create:
organization of work and the workplace, which meet the physiological and ergonomic requirements to ensure the normal course of the work process and to eliminate or reduce the risk to health during the performance of the work activity;
the workplace must be designed in accordance with the ergonomic requirements and the anthropometric characteristics of the workers.

Training topics:

1. Basic normative documents regulating ergonomic requirements for workplaces:

Health and Safety at Work Act;

Ordinance No 7 of 1999 for the minimum requirements for health and safe working conditions at workplaces and when using work equipment;

Ordinance No 15 of 1999 for the conditions, order and requirements for developing and introducing physiological regimes of work and rest during work;

Ordinance No 7 of 2005 on the minimum requirements for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions when working with video displays.

2. Work postures and work areas. Workplace organization – a factor in preventing fatigue, eye strain, headaches and stress at work.

3. Ergonomics in the office – environmental conditions at the workplace.

4. Ergonomic evaluation and optimization of the workplace.

5. Good practice in ergonomics – reduction of hazards and risks in the workplace.

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