MEDICAL CENTER (MC) MEDICAL LOT is a private health facility with the purpose of providing specialized outpatient medical care. The Medical center has a Certificate issued by the Ministry of Health, Regional Center for Health Care – Sofia with Reg. No. 7346/07.01.2010 on the basis of Art. 40, para. 4 of the Law on Medical Institutions.
MC MEDICAL LOT was built as a unit to assist the occupational medicine services in conducting the mandatory preventive medical examinations, according to Ordinance No. 3 (SG, No. 16/1987, amended and supplemented, No. 78/2005).
MC MEDICAL LOT has modern equipment and highly qualified specialists in:
- Internal medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Vision determination
- Computer diagnostics
- Neurological diseases
Diagnosis of reflex-muscular diseases
The following types of check-ups are carried out, according to Appendix No. 3 to Art. 2, para. 2 of the Ordinance:
- Cytodiagnosis
- Ultrasound of mammary glands
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Osteodensitometry
- Laboratory tests
After determining the types of industrial hazards and the degree of potential risk in the organisations and enterprises that have concluded a contract with LOT-CONSULT, the Occupational Medicine department provides the following types of medical services, in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance:
1. Medical control upon entering work, according to Appendix No. 4 to Art. 4 of the Ordinance.
Mandatory medical examinations are carried out in order to assess the ability of the employees to perform a certain profession, production activity or to occupy the position for which they are applying, in view of their state of health.
2. Drawing up a schedule and a program for carrying out the mandatory periodic preventive medical examinations and tests, according to Appendix No. 2 to Art. 2, para. 2 of the Ordinance. The obligatory periodic preventive medical examinations are carried out for those employees who work under health-damaging working conditions. Their goal is systematic monitoring of the health status of these groups of employees and the early detection of occupational disabilities and general illnesses.
3. Within one month after carrying out the preventive examinations, the Occupational medicine service prepares an analysis of the results, according to Appendix No. 8 to Art. 29, para. 2 of the Ordinance, which indicates the number of persons with deviations in biochemical exposure tests, the leading diseases and their relationship with the working conditions; the number of workers referred for employment; general assessment of the employees’ state of health and recommendations for its improvement.
MC MEDICAL LOT offers high professionalism and ethics in providing medical services. The medical center disposes with a mobile team of specialists, equipped with the necessary portable equipment, which allows the examinations to be conducted throughout the country. Medical center’s activities fully comply with the European medical standards.