Lot Consult
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Project Management

In the modern market, there are great opportunities for financing organizations from national and European programs and funds, which aim to support harmonious development, increase employment and the competitiveness of the economy, support entrepreneurship, promote technological changes and innovation, save of energy etc.

LOT-CONSULT consultants offer comprehensive services for the utilization of the above-mentioned opportunities, assuming the responsibility for the creation, introduction and implementation of investment projects of the companies.

Since 2002 LOT-CONSULT has been very successfully and dynamically developing consulting activities in relation to the development and management of projects financed by European, National and international funds and donor programs, for which activity it holds Certificates: BSS EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017

LOT-CONSULT offers highly professional complex services that cover all stages of the realization of a project idea:

  • Pre-project consulting and information on national and European programs and funds
  • Preparation of the complete project documentation for application, incl. selection of the most suitable source of financing, finding and making contact with potential partners, etc.
  • Development of a project proposal for financing by European, national and international funds and donor programs
  • Project management and monitoring

Дейностите ни са насочени към консултантска помощ за представители на публичния сектор, на частния сектор, организации с нестопанска цел.

Our leading principles:

  • high corporate and social responsibility
  • quality service and correctness
  • complete confidentiality
  • creating value for the customer and society
  • building long-term relationships and partnership
  • synergistic work approach

Our advantages:

  • Our pool of experts from various fields has extremely rich professional experience, knowledge and skills in project development and management.
  • We have an effectively built national and international network of partners with leading Bulgarian and European organizations.

Some of the programs on which LOT-CONSULT has worked are:

Operational programs; Erasmus+, Lifelong Learning Programme; Health Programme; South East Europe; INTERREG; CBC Bulgaria – Greece; CBC Bulgaria – Romania; CBC Bulgaria – Serbia and many others.

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