Lot Consult

General terms

By accessing the website (site) of LOT-CONSULT EOOD, the user agrees to be bound by these general terms and conditions and all subsequent changes in them, and undertakes to comply with them.
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms are used with the following meaning:

  1. “Site” means all information, all copyrighted images, designs, texts and other materials or resources located at https://www.lot-consult.com or some of the subdomains at the same address.
  2. “User” is any natural person who uses any of the services of the site.

These General Terms and Conditions are binding only in the relationship between the USER of the site and the COMPANY. The USER receives the right to use the services of the site only for personal non-commercial purposes, unless expressly provided otherwise.
The following general conditions are aimed at clarifying and regulating the relations between LOT-CONSULT EOOD with registered office: Sofia 1612, Krasno Selo Municipality, 16 Troyanski Prohod Str., 2nd floor, and Bulstat BG831053165, also called the COMPANY and consumers / users of the site /, hereinafter referred to as USERS on the website https://www.lot-consult.com
In accordance with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Act, the data for the company are mentioned below as follows:

  1. Name of the company: LOT-CONSULT EOOD
  2. Contact details: email: office@lot-consult.com, tel .: tel. +359 2 917 29 18
    2.1. The website of LOT-CONSULT EOOD is a page through which those interested to remain informed about the history, the offered services, as well as the novelties in the company, including, but not limited to, to perform the following actions:
  • Review of the services offered by LOT-CONSULT EOOD;
  • Making contacts electronically, related to the conclusion of contractual relations with LOT-CONSULT EOOD through the page of LOT-CONSULT EOOD, which is located on the Internet.
  • Sending inquiries about services offered by LOT-CONSULT EOOD directly to the Commercial Department of the company.
  • Informing about the new services offered by LOT-CONSULT EOOD.
  • Informing about the news in LOT-CONSULT EOOD.
    2.2. All intellectual property rights over the information resources (including, but not limited to texts, images, database, graphics, illustrations, logos, photos), materials, software programs and applications published on the site belong to LOT-CONSULT EOOD and / or the respective right holders when others are indicated. The information resources are subject to protection under the current Law on Copyright and Related Rights. Their unregulated use is a violation of the law and results in civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current Bulgarian legislation.
  • This site may contain materials, names or trademarks that are the property of other companies, organizations and associations protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act (CRRA).
  • The use of any content from the site is not explicitly allowed, except in a way that does not contradict the current terms of use, without the prior written permission of the Manager of LOT-CONSULT EOOD.
  • The access to this site, as well as to any part of its content, does not give in any way the right to use the intellectual property without the written permission of the Manager of LOT-CONSULT EOOD.
    Consumer protection supervisory authorities:
    (1) Commission for Personal Data Protection.
    Address: Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2, tel .: +359 2 91 53 518, e-mail: kzld@cpdp.bg, kzld@government.bg, website: www.cpdp.bg.
    (2) Consumer Protection Commission.
    Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveykov Square, 3rd, 4th and 6th floors, tel .: +359 2 933 05 65, fax: +359 2 988 42 18, hotline: 0700 111 22, email: info@kzp.bg, website: www.kzp.bg.
    3.1. The Company undertakes to guarantee the rights of the Users in accordance with the letter of the law and the conditions adopted in practice, and in compliance with the consumer and commercial law.
    3.2. Email address. Both parties accept that the specified e-mail address, which the User indicates on the site, as well as any subsequent address, which is indicated by the User as a form of contact between him and the Company, is a “primary e-mail address”.
    3.3. LOT-CONSULT Ltd. collects and processes personal data. LOT-CONSULT Ltd. guarantees the inviolability of all personal data, including, but not limited to, the USER’s name and / or email address. They will only be used for the purposes for which they were collected or received and will not be made available to third parties.
    3.4. Personal or identification data will not be used for any other purpose without the express written consent of the USER, except in cases provided by law.
    3.5. LOT-CONSULT EOOD is not responsible for the personally identifiable information that the USER